Book therapy (also known as home therapy) is suitable for children from Grade 2 onwards and can be conducted from the comfort of your own home. Every practise session lasts about 30 - 40 minutes, depending on the age of the child and level.
Once a week (or more if the parent prefers) the therapy progress is monitored by a qualified Wise Eye reading therapist at one of our Wise Eye reading centres.
Advice on the “homework” for the following week will then be given by the reading therapist according to your child’s progress and further needs identified.
Children find these exercises very enjoyable and fun!
For the children that are situated in more rural areas, we have a book therapy set that contains full instructions on a DVD on how to conduct the therapy on your own.
A guide book is provided that explains every week’s lessons. Also included is a record sheet where the child’s progress can be recorded and monitored by a teacher or parent.